Please help us keep our customers and staff safe by reading and adhering to our new COVId-19 safety protocols

protocols for pickup sites (CSA and online orders)

  • Please send only one person to pick up your order to minimize crowding at the pickup sites.

  • Customers are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to wear a mask or face covering to pickup sites. The CDC recommends wearing cloth face coverings in public settings.

  • Customers will maintain a 6-foot space between themselves and others at all times. Please give people space and time to pick up their orders. Only one person should be actively picking up their order at a time. If you arrive to the pickup location and someone is already at the location picking up their order, please wait for them to finish before going to get your items.

  •  Customers must not come to pickups if they are ill. They may, however, in the case of illness, send someone from outside their household to pick up their order for them. The customer and anyone from their household should not return to pick up until they meet the criteria determined by the CDC (please get in touch if you need us to deliver your order to you due to illness in your household):

    • They have not had a fever for at least 72 hours (without fever reducing medication) AND

    • Respiratory symptoms have improved AND

    • At least 7 days have passed since their symptoms began


hollywood farmers market covid 19 protocols

COVID-19: Keeping our farmers market safe and healthy

Operating the Hollywood Farmers Market in a safe way is our top priority, and we are implementing significant precautionary measures to protect the health of our shoppers, vendors and the community as a whole. These precautionary measures will be updated as necessary – please check back for the most up-to-date information.

Maintain Distance

Please attend the farmers market in an efficient manner, as we want to have the smallest crowds possible. We ask for shoppers to remain 6 feet apart at all times.

We are also asking the following of our shoppers to help reduce crowding and keep the market as safe as possible:

  • If you have any symptoms or believe that you may have been exposed to the novel coronavirus, please stay home.

  • If possible, send only one member of your household to shop at the market.

  • Please observe our vulnerable population shopping hour from 8am to 9am.

  • Leave children and pets at home if possible.

  • Talk to your neighbors, and consider sending one shopper for multiple households if you can.

  • Come prepared with a list of items to decrease the amount of time spent at the market.

  • Read signage at market and follow instructions – there will be entrances and exits to booths, and limits to the number of people who can be in a booth at one time.

  • Wash or sanitize your hands frequently using the options provided.

  • Only handle produce that you are buying and take the item on the top of the pile. Now is not the time to search a pile for the perfect head of lettuce.

  • After completing your purchases, please do not linger in the market space.

Additionally, we are taking the following precautions to make our market safe:

  • Spacing booths farther apart

  • Limiting no more than 2 shoppers in a 10×10 booth at one time. Lines should form outside the booth.

  • Canceling music, entertainment and special events until further notice

  • Removing all seating

  • Banning all food sampling

  • Restricting hot food sales to take out only

  • Requiring vendors to have hand sanitizer or handwashing station available at checkout

  • Requiring vendors to wear face masks while selling at the market

  • Sanitizing high-touch surfaces frequently

  • Encouraging customers not to touch items that they are not going to purchase

  • Requiring vendors to pre-bag bulk items

  • Rounding prices to the nearest dollar to eliminate coin handling

  • Asking that sick staff, vendors or customers stay home and not attend market

Thank you all for helping us all stay safe and healthy!